Dentist, Dental Surgeon, Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentist, Implantologist.
27 Years
About Us
Dr. Anand Krishnamurthy is an acclaimed implant dental expert, practicing since 1998. He has presented numerous papers in India and abroad, and is a course provider in the field of implants and cosmetic dentistry and cad cam implantology based dental technology. He is a fellow of the International team for Implantology ITI. He has obtained fellowship & diplomate of the international congress of oral implantology (ICOI). He is the opinion leader for the company bisco international (USA). He is a executive committee member of the Indian Academy of Osseo-integration (IAO), has won the C & B & I award at the Nobel bio care world tour 2006. Regularly conducts hands-on training programs at the famdent shows across India. Has completed his advanced implantology diploma curriculum program through DGI-steinbeis University - Germany. Performed a live guided implant surgery at the ISOI conference, Chandigarh in 2009.
Presently lectures extensively on application specific implant dentistry, 3d implant planning using CBCT technology and guided implant surgery using the "Scan-plan-execute concept". Also conducts implantology training through implant competence program in various parts of the country.